The doors of fire await him...

Set in the metropolis of Corinth City where steampunk meets neon gothic. Haunted by a recent heartbreak, Hughes is indebted to the city's most terrifying criminal gang. Desperate for salvation, Hughes sets his sights on joining the Scarlet Citadel, an enigmatic organization of pageant fighters, monster hunters, and keepers of secrets. As a member of their illustrious ranks, surely he can pay off his debts and change his life for the better.

On the way, he will have to enlist the help of oracles who live in a cottage made from the fiberglass bones of a carousel, an old codger with an immensely flatulent dog, and a poster of a dead man who gives entertainment advice. More importantly, Hughes will have to rely on the magic he has at his beck and call - a power to shift and twist the minds of others.

But the ladder of progression is harsh and dark, its rungs ever-slippery. As Hughes struggles onward, one misstep would spell disaster. Not to mention the otherwordly monsters, flaming skeleton biker gangs, and a plague of sinister dreams sweeping the city, promising a wicked autumn born from a summer of insanity. And while the threat of falling off the ladder of progression is bad, it turns out falling in love is even worse.

Join Hughes on this exhilarating adventure, created by one of the writers of the award winning game of the year Baldur's Gate 3 and acclaimed Game Master, inspired by years of D&D and video game development. This tale will cast you into a stormy, scary, oddly cozy world in which villains are as colorful and engaging as the heroes they seek to destroy. Fans of Perdido Street Station will love this fantastical tale.

Corinth City has a murder problem…

Ten years have passed since Gormon Hughes joined the Scarlet Citadel. Now a legendary agent of its power, Hughes is confronted by a much darker legend. A recent spate of killings has been tied to the old story of Spring-Heeled Jack. Approached by a grizzled officer from his home District, Hughes commits himself to solving the mystery. Does Jack really exist, or is he just a myth?

While Hughes works against the clock to untangle the clues and crack the case, his girlfriend Cate Jubilee is tasked with crossing into another world with the largest ever retinue of Scarlet Citadel fighters. In hostile territory she will face off against monsters more strange and terrible than she could ever have imagined.

Join Hughes and Cate as they battle the odds in this monster-hunting, crime-solving caper.

Created by one of the writers of the award winning game of the year Baldur's Gate 3. Fans of the weird and wonderful tales of Stephen King and the Soulslike video game genre will find themselves thrilled and transported by the sequel to Scarlet Citadel.

*Trigger warning this book contains description and trauma of child loss*